Manolo Reina, sanctioned with two matches

The 36-year-old veteran goalkeeper received a direct red card while on the substitutes’ bench in the match that his team ended up losing 4-3 against Celta in the last play of the match as a result of a penalty shot converted by Iago Aspas. The protests from the bench to the referee’s decision, made the referee, notified by his assistant, go to the band to expel the goalkeeper.

Reina is currently a substitute for eight games, having lost the undisputed ownership of his five years in the Mallorcan goal. The irregularity of his performances this season caused him to lose his position in favor of the youth squad Leo Román and finally in favor of Sergio Ricosigned in the winter market and who has become the owner of the Mallorcan goal.

Photo by Manolo Reina

Already on matchday 7, Reina was replaced by Dominik GreifSlovakian goalkeeper signed last summer and who has been left out of the team for the rest of the season by a back injury, which is why Leo Román moved up to the first team and Sergio Rico was signed, who arrived in January on loan from the PSG.

Curiously, at the gates of the match against Real Madrid, Reina paid for the broken dishes of the match in the first round at the Bernabéu where el Real Mallorca lost by 6 goals to 1 with a debatable performance by the Andalusian.

Now, the sanction will prevent Reina from being on the bench, precisely against Real Madrid, and in the next game against Espanyol in Barcelona. Reina is the last goalkeeper who has left the vermilion goal to zero. It was in the 0-0 draw against Celta on matchday 17. Subsequently, neither Leo Román nor Sergio Rico have managed to keep their goal to zero.