Manolo Gaspar: “We convinced Scepovic with the Málaga Club de Fútbol brand”

The official club media (MCFTV) have released a few words from Manolo, Gaspar, the sports director, assessing the signing of Stefan Scepovic to cover the absence of Pablo Chavarría due to a long-term injury. For your interest we reproduce these statements.

How did you convince Scepovic? “How we get most of the operations. We threw a lot of the Málaga Club de Fútbol brand. From the first moment we contacted Stefan I have noticed a tremendous illusion to come. You want to put yourself in a good context for your game. In Spain he has performed well, he is eager and comes in a good tone ”.

Coat of Arms / Flag Málaga

I work with foresight. “The situation is complicated, but the job of a technical secretariat or a sports department is to be prepared for any case. Since Pablo's misfortune passed, being in Miranda de Ebro, he already had a list of players available for our economy and who could enter through the League regulations of our sanction (salary limit and only 18 professional chips). It is the day-to-day work that is not seen and when it is needed, it is. The most important thing is to have communication with them, to know what the scenario is and what we can aspire to. With that and with the tools we have today, everything is easier and it is a matter of one click. Then we entered the negotiation and, in this case, it was easy ”.

A key token. “We had to do this eighteen card, so it is also the card. We cannot leave ‘Pelli’ (Sergio Pellicer, Málaga coach) in a final stretch that, if COVID comes to us, we have to remove several players and we can stay in the draw. We were also aware that if it wasn't something that was going to help us, we weren't going to do it. The movement is interesting and we are convinced that it will help us. Everything is agreed with the coach, which is what leaves me calmer ”.

LaLiga authorized this change of stickers after checking that, in effect, Chavarría's injury would be of long duration (up to seven months is the predicted recovery period) and that it was adjusted to the salary limit.