Malú, refugee in Cádiz with little Lucía while Albert Rivera lives the summer of his life with other women

Albert Rivera He has been the undisputed protagonist of the heart press for a few weeks. The photos of him with the actress Aysha Daraaui in which she appears eating his ear gave a lot to talk about. But the big surprise came this Tuesday with the new images of the former Ciudadanos politician, this time making out with another woman, a designer named Carla.

His break with Little one It was confirmed at the end of June after months of rumors. The singer has continued this summer with her ‘A thousand battles 2023’ tour and she is also enjoying her free time off the stage and away from the spotlight. Magazine Week take some pictures of the interpreter Yes I’m crazy inside, playing on the beach with the little girl Lucy. The girl, the result of her relationship with the former politician, turned 3 years old in June and is the priority of her parents.

Albert Rivera was angry with the press when they asked him about his photos in Ibiza with Aysha Daraaui. She asked to be left alone. Very angry, he also responded from his social networks: “Who cares what I do?” Now, the medium that publishes the torrid images of the lawyer with the designer named Carla affirms that this woman is not just a summer flirt, but that she could become the handsome lawyer’s new girlfriend.

Malú, for his part, has not ruled on his love life after the breakup. In a promotional interview, she said about her musical career: “I am the way I am and I am who I am because of all my great mistakes and great successes throughout my life. Without a doubt, my ‘great battle’ has been to be at peace with myself.” . Her words were interpreted with a double meaning despite the fact that she is very reserved with her private life.