The value of Malaga’s shares is 45.7 million euros. This is how Victoria Oliva and Salvador Pedraza have valued it, the experts appointed by the judge who is instructing the case against Al Thani to assess the blue and white club. And so it is collected in the expert report that they have sent to the Court of Instruction number 14 of Malaga, revealed by BE Malaga and to which you have had access AS.
Specific, the value of the shares of the Martiricos entity according to the experts is 45,747,911 euros. “Consequently, the value of the shares corresponding to 96.89% amounts to the amount of 44,325,151 euros“Reads the report. That 96.89% corresponds to the number of shares owned by NAS Spain 2000, a company of which Sheikh Al Thani owns 51% and the hotel company BlueBay the remaining 49%. This appraisal gives the shares of Al Thani a value of 22.6 million euros.
The judge asked Al Thani and his sons Nasser, Nayef and Rakan a guarantee of 8.6 million euros that has not been satisfied, which may entail the seizure of part of the capital that the sheik owns in the club. Meanwhile, the court continues to wait for the Al Thani to testify from Qatar in relation to the causes they are charged with for their disastrous management at the head of Málaga.
The expert report sent to the court also includes estimates on the entity’s business figures in the coming years. A) Yes, for this season, he foresees that this figure will rise to 17.5 million and includes an estimated amount for June 2023 of 64.5 million as long as the team achieved promotion to First Division this campaign.