It seemed like he was going to be an eternal bachelor but, finally, the mayor of Madrid, a few days away from turning 49, is, as of this Saturday, April 6, a married man. For the almost 600 guests at the event it has been very emotional to see José Luis Martínez-Almeida and Teresa Urquijo saying “yes, I want.” The moment in which they became husband and wife has been unforgettable for the groom’s five older brothers: Casilda -who has acted as godmother-, Alfonso, Angela, Magdalena and Rafael.
At the exit of the church, in Informalia We spoke with Magdalena to find out details about how the ceremony had gone, and she told us: “We are very happy, especially because he has found love, his better half. The wait has been worth it because Teresa is a wonderful person and full of kindness, and she has been moved because as you know our parents are in heaven, he was my mother’s right eye and she probably had something to do with this“.

In fact, the mayor’s parents, Rafael Martínez-Almeida León Castillowho died in 2012, and Ángela de Navasqüés Cobián Ruiz de Velascowho died in 2019, also married in the same temple in 1966.
“Today has been a day of much, much joy.“Magdalena told us, who stated that there were no shortage of tears either: “Of course my brother has cried, if he is more emotional than he seems. Although he can be tough at times, he is very emotional and sensitive. And he was much more nervous than the bride, she was so calm“said the mayor’s sister.