Madrid soccer worries about its survival

The coronavirus pandemic put the brakes on all football. The professional has returned and soon also the semi-professional with an express playoff in Second B and Third Division. But, that percentage, although important, It does not represent the whole reality of national football, which is experiencing a delicate moment. Also, from Madrid.

The soccer of the capital has wanted to show its concern with data behind that endorse it. Thus, through the Association for the Defense of Madrid Soccer, which brings together members from all levels of the capital's football, They have conducted a survey that shows growing concern about the state of the sport.

The numbers are forceful. Of the respondents, 93% believe that Madrid clubs will disappear and 7 out of 10 consider that, in part, it will be due to the lack of resources allocated to this activity in the Community of Madrid. Thus, 22% of the total think that the situation of soccer in Madrid is 'bad' or, directly, 'very bad'. Almost all of the respondents demand more information and have three main concerns: lack of funding, insufficient facilities and lack of resources to train.

“That modest football does not receive all the attention and care it needs is not new. The economic difficulties are a reality but the standstill situation caused by the Covid-19 has worsened it, “he says. Jesus Peramos, president of this association that marks the return date of this humble football in October. “There is a feeling of uncertainty and insecurity that can leave many clubs out of the game,” added the president.

But not everything will remain in words. The ADFM wants to contribute with concrete measures and they have proposed the Madrid Federation the reduction and flexibility of fees for the 20/21 season or launch a line of credit or aid system for clubs that do not currently compete in national categories. Modest football is going through a moment of great trouble but, through union, they are looking for a way to survive and come out stronger from this moment so that the ball continues to roll in all categories.