The Atletico Madrid He has a demanding preseason ahead of him, with some very important appointments. The matches against Manchester United o to Juventusfor that of being duels against great Europathey are very striking, but for lifelong summer football lovers there is a match that is marked in red on the calendar.
We talk about Ramon de Carranza Trophy one of the most traditional summer tournaments in Spanish football. The 68 edition of this match will be held on August 4.
The New Mirandilla, As announced by the yellow club, it will present an unbeatable appearance because all the seats that were for sale have been sold. There will be nothing less than more than 25,000 spectatorswhich is the maximum capacity of the venue.
The initiative carried out by the Andalusian club has been a complete success. The promotion #SixofSix with which he closed last year to fill the stadium to achieve permanence has helped the full, because the beneficiaries of said promotion could acquire two free tickets until capacity was covered. That, plus the confirmation of the attendance of the season ticket holders, has meant that a match is going to be lived with a full house.

Atlético de Madrid, champion of the 2015 Carranza Trophy.
“The ‘no tickets’ for this edition of the Carranza Trophy ensures a historic atmosphere in our stadium, in which it will be the presentation match of Cádiz 22/23 in front of its fans”, said the Andalusian entity.
Throughout the 67 editions held of the Ramon de Carranza Trophy the Atletico Madrid He has been invited 22 times and next August he will exceed a third of Cadiz tournaments as a participant. In addition, it is the team that has the most trophies from this tournament in its showcases, with ten gold medals and four runners-up.
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