Macarena Olona lets herself be loved by a “republican and anti-fascist” Galician musician

The life of Macarena People It has taken a radical turn in a short time. She jumped into politics in 2019 after being elected a Vox deputy for Granada. In 2022, she ran as a candidate for the Junta de Andalucía, but failed and she left the party “for medical reasons”. However, rumors later surfaced that her decision was also motivated by serious internal problems with the formation of Santiago Abascal.

These murmurs were confirmed with the continuous darts that Macarena herself launched against Vox on her social networks. Then, she returned to public life by registering a new party to run in the polls on 23-J, Caminando Juntos. However, she only garnered 5,482 votes and was not represented in any of the ten provinces in which she ran.

On a personal level there are also news, because the Alicante, who is the mother of a child, would have recovered the illusion in love with david romeroa Galician musician, as he assures lighthouse of Vigo. What is most striking about this romance is that the lucky one defines himself on social networks as “republican, feminist and always anti-fascist.”

“I met David through the media. Because beyond the differences, I knew that we were united by a social conscience. That he has no ideology. That he is not exclusive to any party. That he is kidnapped by the system. We are legion” Macarena wrote a few months ago on Twitter.

Since then, a photo or message with David as the recipient has slipped through his professional tweets. The last one this July 30. “Between the sea and the sky,” she wrote next to an image of the musician. “You are my sky and my sea,” he replied.