Macarena Olona goes to a brothel in Las Rozas to defend prostitution

A large brothel in the Madrid town of Las Rozas has been the ideal setting chosen by Macarena People to advocate against the abolition of prostitution. The former Andalusian spokesperson for Vox stood in front of the brothel last Monday and took the opportunity to point out her colleagues as well-versed in the place through a tweet: “More than one politician who today imposes the abolition of prostitution recognizes where I am. How lucky they are to have professional secrecy”.

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As a woman, Olona is not shy about speaking out against her former political party, Vox, which has rather refused to consider prostitution as a job or professional activity. In this way, the ex of Vox marks distances with her training while she evaluates whether she recovers her old job as a State attorney or continues with the creation of her own political party.

The former deputy from Alicante, registered in the Granada town of Salobreña to be able to stand in the Andalusian elections, does not hurt garments when it comes to using any opportunity to be noticed, generate controversy and seek political space outside her old party. From the great brothel on the outskirts of Madrid, Olona has confirmed that she is in favor of women being able to sell their bodies for the pleasure of men if they do not contemplate other options to earn a living.

As she has stated through Twitter, for her the people who carry out this activity are “Women, mothers, free”, she says. “They have told me about the hypocrisy and double standards that the law supposes that condemns them to marginality. Because prostitution is not going to disappear,” she adds. “They have cried when they explained to me that they only wanted to bring food to their homes. Without being judged. Free.”

Opposite of abolition

Despite being a legal professional, Macarena Olona is opposed to the abolition of an activity considered degrading to women. The former member of Congress, however, advocates regulating prostitution, maintaining that “we must listen” to these women because “it is the only thing that the sex workers” and again has taken the opportunity to cry out against the feminist movement that “imposes the abolition of prostitution because they consider them victims.”

read also: Macarena Olona, ​​on the Camino de Santiago, reveals the illness for which she left Vox

Olona met in Congress with an association of women prostitutes to find out about their activity and demands. The former deputy has insisted on numerous occasions that the abolition without providing solutions could lead to situations of marginalization. For this reason, she defends a regulation that, as has been verified in countries where it has been carried out, as Germany, has achieved the opposite effect and has turned the country into the largest brothel in Europe without any improvement in the conditions of prostituted women.

The debate on the abolition of prostitution is more open than ever since last May, when the PSOE presented in Congress a bill aimed at abolishing prostitution and recovering the crimes of pimping in the Penal Code. The proposal was taken into consideration in June by the PP, United We Can and most of the investiture bloc, and also had the abstention of some formations, including Vox, to which it still belonged at the time. Macarena People.

The majority of female politicians and jurists are contrary to Olona’s opinion. They all agree on the need for a calm debate to introduce measures aimed at offering vital alternatives to women who work as prostitutes. They also insist that abolitionist legislation should always focus on pimps and “whores”, and not on prostituted women.

Marta Gonzalezpopular deputy, affirms that “no woman engages in prostitution freely, she does it coerced or conditioned due to a situation of economic difficulty or vulnerability”. The parliamentarian maintains that “no woman who practices prostitution wants that activity for her daughter”, The same Minister of Justice, Pillar Wolf, understands that real equality between men and women would not come until prostitution is abolished. Few women, like Macarena Olona, ​​are in favor of maintaining and regulating an activity that singles out, denigrates, enslaves and harms women since the beginning of the history of humanity.
