The defense of the dignity of women is not measured on Telecinco with the same standards: it is not the same to be Rocio Carrasco that Marta Riesco, Olvido Hormigos, Maria Teresa Campos o Lydia Lozano. As Terelu asks the government for help to protect her mother from the media, Lydia Lozano is humiliated for several days live and abandon Save me.
“Goodbye, see you forever,” said the poor woman whose turn it was to be humiliated. One of the strategies of the Telecinco evening newspaper that they present Jorge Javier Vázquez, Adela González, Terelu Campos or María Patiño is to structure a good part of their content proposal using their own dolls as characters to be beaten.
This is not new but lately they are being used thoroughly. Carmen Borrego, Kiko Matamoros, Kiko Hernandez, Terelu CamposMaría Patiño herself and now Lydia Lozano They are some of those who have dragged their asses through the quagmire from which they have been paid for years. Not only do they shoot from the program: their relatives or loved ones are overwhelmed in that tsunami that mounts the media pack programmed in that kind of infernal rundown that makes up the parallel reality of Mediaset, that ephemeral, bizarre and often indecent universe that seeks to keep the greatest number of unsuspecting people in front of the television.
People who have nothing to lose
said the deceased Mila Ximenez, part of that circus until shortly before his death, which Save me it was a show made up of people who have nothing to lose. The definition of that intelligent journalist has part of the truth. Perhaps he wanted to say that the puppets that make up that sticky and effective festival had no dignity left because they had given it in their contracts to La Fábrica de la tele. That, with very few exceptions, turns the audience into characters. One of the advantages is that no matter how many atrocities are said about them on the screen, they cannot sue the television that feeds them because it would be more expensive for them to lose their job than to win in court those who say they have been unfaithful or have done terrible things, whether true or not.

Lydia Lozano, who is 62 years old, has been the toy of the program these days. The operation orchestrated against her and her husband calls into question the marital fidelity of the journalist. With the hanger of Lozano’s assistance to the after by Froilán Marichalar Borbón hours of program have been made. The rundowns began by commissioning Carmen Alcayde (supposedly a friend of Lydia and her husband) to light the fuse. Yes, no, quite the opposite… Almost everything was prepared, as always: the proof is that, minutes after dropping the bomb on duty, masked witnesses appear who provide lurid testimonies about the presence of Lydia Lozano, with or without her husband, in that sauna that we don’t know what it smells like but that stinks.
Lydia calls the show on the phone: she screams, cries, is out of her mind and everything is cannibalized by the human meat grinder that is Save me. We have The topic of the week. The next day, he goes to the set to defend his honor, to deny, to expose, it doesn’t matter. They take testimonials from her, everyone has an opinion on whether she has paid tributes at the exchange or not, on whether she has been unfaithful. Witnesses appear, they are subjected to supposedly infallible truth machines, anything happens. And at one point, Lydia Lozano bursts out, saying that she has reached her limit. She says that she has been enduring the information from the program about her supposed visits to Sodom and Gomorrah for days. She herself has denied it but a guy has come to the set who says he has seen her up to four times. “Did you see Lydia come out of one of the exchange club rooms disheveled?” they ask the witness. “I’m not going to put up with it, this is fucking joking, I’m going home.” The fictitious name given to the protected witness who claims to have coincided with Lydia there is that of Apollo, the Greek god who threatened from on high in the heavens, identified with the light of truth. In reality we are before a man, painted up to the eyebrows, who assured María Patiño that he had previously been on television. The space assured at the beginning that that afternoon we would see his face but they lied.
Lydia denies what she can and maintains that she only went to the place where Froilán was evicted only once, invited to a birthday party and stayed for just over an hour. Her friend also appears Ruth Sanz, associated in his day with Iker Casillas, He talks to the program and confirms that Lydia and her husband, Charly, go to these places.

Then the usual thing happens: her classmates try to calm Lydia, on the verge of anxiety attack, and to play down the accusations. “I can’t take it as a joke, damn it. It’s all right, man. If it happened to you, how would you be?” she replies. The scene lengthens: the camera captures the moment and follows Lozano to the bathrooms, accompanied by the other puppets. But she does not return to the set. “So long!” she says. We have seen this dozens of times with many others, left fallow for more or less time and then return willing to continue pissing on them in exchange for money. While this is happening, Terelu Campos, one of the presenters of the format, asks for respect from the media towards people for some photos of her mother on the street in a very delicate state of health. She maybe she has a point. Maybe she has to change jobs.