Luis Suárez has no break and has options for the derby

Luis Suárez does not want to miss the derby against Real Madrid. Although the Uruguayan had given the scare in Porto, after having to leave replaced as soon as the meeting began with tears in his eyes for missing a capital duel for Atlético, medical tests have confirmed that the forward does not suffer any breakage. Suárez is not ruled out for the Santiago Bernabéu game (Sunday, 9:00 p.m.). Everything will depend, as reported by the rojiblanco team, on the feelings that the gunner has.

The Atlético de Madrid statement was as follows: “The club’s medical services have carried out radiological tests on Luis Suárez at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra after the Uruguayan striker withdrew in the first half of the Champions League match against Porto due to muscle discomfort. The tests have ruled out that the rojiblanco attacker suffers any breakage, so the evolution of his symptoms will mark his availability for the derby next Sunday. Luis Suárez will continue to carry out individualized rehabilitation training and daily physiotherapy sessions “.


Photo by Luis Suárez

Luis Suárez set off all the alarms in the 13th minute of the decisive match against Porto when annoying that prevented him from continuing on the pitch and had to be replaced by Matheus Cunha, who has been gaining more and more prominence in recent weeks. The Uruguayan’s signs of pain indicated that his presence in the derby against Real Madrid was more than complicated, despite the fact that it was one more and he celebrated the collective success in style.

Now, after the tests, optimism around the Uruguayan’s presence at the Santiago Bernabéu has grown exponentially. Luis Suárez will rush his options to the maximum to be in the key duel so that Real Madrid does not leave definitively in the classification. During this day he could be seen chatting with Simeone on the lawn of the sports city of Majadahonda to later go to the gym to be treated individually.