Carolina Monjewho was girlfriend of Aless Lequiothe ‘yes I want’ was said this Saturday, October 7, with the businessman Alex Lópera. From Telecinco, Luis Rollan confesses that he has spoken with Ana Obregon (Monje’s ex-daughter-in-law) and tells how the actress experienced the day of the wedding.
“I understand perfectly that she is a very young girl, I am very happy and I hope she is happy, but there is also a part that I understand that, for Ana, it is a little sad, not because of anything bad,” the collaborator revealed hours after for Carolina Monje to pass through the altar.
Currently, Ana and Carolina have no relationship. However, as Rollán reports, Obregón is happy for Carolina, since the actress is “extremely generous.”
Carolina Monje’s past
Carolina was by Aless Lequio’s side until the last moment of his life. They met when Ana Obregón’s son and Alessandro Lequio He was already battling Ewing’s sarcoma, which he was diagnosed with in 2018. They lived together in the Salamanca neighborhood of Madrid. They adopted Bobby Puchum, the little dog who accompanies Carolina in each of her steps.
After the debate that arose following the arrival of Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón to the world, Obregón’s granddaughter-daughter born through surrogacy with the semen of his deceased son, Monje remained in a discreet background and did not even speak publicly about it.