Luis Miguel asks hotels to cover the floors with sheets so he doesn’t step where everyone else does

On his extensive international tour, Luis Miguel sang in Chiclana de la Frontera on July 24. Paloma Cuevas’ boyfriend then stayed in a luxury hotel in Sancti Petri. Specifically in the Palacio de Sancti Petri, a Gran Meliá Hotel. An old neo-Mudejar palace that exudes the Arab heritage in its design, with an air of a hacienda and Andalusian patios. The suites can cost more than 1,000 euros per night.

This is not the first time that Luis Miguel’s demands or requirements during his tours have been discussed.. However, Informalia has been able to discover a new and very curious detail. During his stay at the five-star hotel in this area of ​​Cadiz, “He asked for sheets to be thrown over him so he wouldn’t step where everyone else was passing by”. This is what very reliable sources tell us.

This is a very special tour for the Sun of Mexico. An international tour that began last summer and continues. This summer he has sung all over Spain. For example, the two concerts he gave at the Bernabéu on July 6 and 7 were very special. Now he is enjoying his beloved Mexico, where he has concerts until November 25.

Personally, he is happy with Paloma Cuevas. Friends for decades, the singer of La Bikina offered her his shoulder to cry on when Enrique Ponce ended his own marriage four years ago. But little by little, the affection and mutual admiration they have for each other turned into love. They do not shout out the feelings they feel for each other because they are two very reserved people with their private lives, but they have never hidden. These days the Cordovan does not accompany her boyfriend in Mexico, but is in Madrid, where little Palomita (16) and Bianca (11) have returned to their student obligations.
