Luis Enrique to Unzué: “The ELA does not know who he has messed with …”

The national coach, Luis Enrique Martínez, sent a loving message to Juan Carlos Unzué through social networks, where he wrote “The ALS does not know who it has messed with … more united than ever. Russian butt!”.

Luis Enrique accompanied these words on his Twitter profile with a photo of both during the bus trip through the streets of Barcelona of the treble that they achieved in the 2014-2015 season at the head of the Barça team, which conquered the League, the League of Champions and the King's Cup.

Juan Carlos Unzué was second in Barcelona for Luis Enrique, one of the assistants this Thursday to the act in which he announced that he has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Rodríguez Uribes

José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, Minister of Culture and Sports, has joined the long list of personalities who have expressed their support, recognition and solidarity with Juan Carlos Unzué, who announced this Thursday that he has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

“I want to express my support, recognition, solidarity and affection to Juan Carlos Unzué, a great athlete, goalkeeper and coach. Much encouragement and great strength”, Rodríguez Uribes published on his official Twitter account.

This show of affection towards the exguardameta and coach, who played in Osasuna, Seville, Barcelona, ​​Tenerife and Oviedo, and who apart from integrating the coaching staff of the Catalan team led Numancia, Racing de Santander, Celta and Girona, joins those expressed by all the Spanish football clubs and numerous personalities and institutions from sport and other areas.

Pau Gasol

Basketball player Pau Gasol remembers a phrase pronounced by Unzué at his appearance (“Life is worth it, even when it seems to be falling apart”), and notes that it has given “a great lesson in life”. “We are with you in this fight, Juan Carlos!”, points out the Spanish NBA and international champion.

Alejandro Valverde

The cyclist Alejandro Valverde sends “a big hug” to the former guard, who he says is “He is passionate about cycling and sports and has always shown that he is very attentive to our careers. Now we will be yours. Cheer on your entire team.”

Fernando Torres

Meanwhile, Fernando Torres, champion of Europe and the world with the Spanish team, and former player among other Atlético de Madrid, Liverpool, Chelsea and Milan teams, acknowledges that he is “shocked” by his announcement. “I am with you and with all who fight day after day in the battle against this cruelty.”