Luis Díaz would not play again until after the World Cup due to a knee injury


Colombian striker Luis Díaz, from English Liverpool, would not play again until after the World Cup in Qatar due to the knee injury caused this Sunday in the duel against Arsenal in the English Premier League.

The attacker had to retire at the edge of the first half of the clash against the ‘Gunners’ after the Ghanaian midfielder Thomas Partey fell on his joint. The coach of the ‘reds’, Juergen Klopp, admitted in the subsequent press conference that the injury did not seem minor and the player had to leave the stadium on crutches.

According to the English media, Díaz underwent an MRI on Monday to find out the extent of the ailment and although it would not require him to go through the operating room, it would keep him away from the playing fields for several weeks and he would not play again until the return of the break after the World Cup in Qatar.