Luis Arbalejo will lead the sports management of Valencia Basket


The Galician Luis Arbalejo, until now sports director of Lucentum Alicante, will lead the sports management of Valencia Basket for the next five seasons, the ‘taronja’ club reported this Monday.

Born in Pontevedra in 1982, Arbalejo, who has just served as a Scout Consultant for the NBA Utah Jazz franchise, has separated this Monday from the Alicante entity, where he had responsibility both in his first team and in the training categories.

With a degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Senior Basketball Coach, the man from Pontevedra began working in offices in 2007, as technical director of CD Alcázar de Menorca.

After that, he joined CAI Zaragoza to perform the duties of academy manager (2012-18), a time in which he was key to the arrival of Aday Mara and to the development of talents such as Carlos Alocén, Vit Krejci, Sergi García, Lucas Langarita or Jaime Pradilla himself.

Later he was sports director and general manager of Basketball Torrelodones, before arriving last year at Lucentum Alicante. These tasks were alternated with his role as Scout Consultant for the Utah Jazz NBA franchise, participating in different operations, such as Simone Fontecchio’s landing in the best league in the world last summer.