Very angry. That’s how the son of a bitch is. Carmen Martinez Bordiu after the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris last Friday. Louis Alfonso of Bourbon He did not like the spectacle that the committee organised along the six kilometres of the River Seine, in the heart of the French capital, and he has made this clear with a harsh and blunt message in which he takes the opportunity to remind us of his high-ranking rank: “As Head of the House of Bourbon, as a descendant of the forty Kings who made France, I cannot remain silent in the face of the devastating spectacle of part of the inaugural ceremony. Although during this period the artistic and technical performances were at the height of what France is, some took pleasure in distilling a deadly and abject ideological content.”
Franco’s great-grandson attacks the “current regime” and calls for the recovery of forgotten values: “Once again, the current regime has shown its true face, deeply anti-Christian, forgetful of France’s long past, of which the Christian monarchy is a part, and eager to bring to the fore turbulent times when only terror and violence reigned,” he says.Although the ceremony was intended to be inclusive and respectful of all, the Catholic religion and the dead were marked with the seal of infamy and mockery. I refuse to allow France to conform to the model that was presented. Our country is better than blood and screeching mockery.”

“Before being the mother of revolutions and unbridled progressivism, France was the eldest daughter of the Church as well as the homeland of Letters, the Arts and refinement,” continues Luis Alfonso. “More and more urgently, It is up to us, the French, to choose the model we want for France. We must rebuild our beloved homeland and build a solid and credible future, anchored in traditions, respect and unity.“.
This is just an excerpt from the article that Luis Alfonso published this Sunday in Sunday newspaper and shared it on social media with more than 28,000 followers: “As long as my House remains, and with the support of many French people of good will, we will never cease to show that another path is possible.that greatness is better than sarcasm, that beauty is better than ugliness, that truth is better than lies.” And he adds: “To all the French who felt humiliated and mocked, to all the athletes with a sense of the sacred and religious, to all the other peoples of the Earth who felt outraged, I say that France is not the spectacle you witnessed. This was just the emanation of ideologues who trampled on a millennial heritage“.
