The CD Lugo took advantage of Friday afternoon to present what will be his next season’s third kit. The main novelty and its greatest attraction is that it will display the names and surnames of all albivermellos subscribersgrouped forming the stripes of the same.

In pink, symbolizing the heart of the club, and with diagonal stripes in the same color but in a darker tone and formed by the names of the subscribers of the club. Lugo, this shirt will be the third kit for next season. However, Those of Albés will wear it for the first time this same day, in the match that pits them against Fuenlabrada at the Anxo Carro and that it can serve as a celebration of the mathematical permanence of the club in the Second Division, becoming the team that has played the most consecutive seasons of all those who start next year.
The shirt can now be reserved through the official online store of the CD Lugo with a price of 65 euros, although the first units will not begin to arrive for a couple of weeks.