Lucía Rivera’s new thrust to Eva González: she makes a pineapple with María Cerqueira, Cayetano’s special friend

We were shocked a few days ago when we found out about the complicated relationship they had Lucia Rivera y Eva Gonzalez during the marriage of Cayetano Rivera with the presenter. It was the bullfighter’s own daughter who uncovered it in his book, Nothing is what it seemswhich has just been published.

Also read: “She extorted my mother for some videos”: Lucía Rivera talks about her deep disappointment in her biological father

“I know that at the beginning and in his own way, my father fought for me. And as expected, he rebuilt his life with a woman who, at first, to her disgust, only hid her displeasure towards me,” the young woman writes. “Although I have grown locked up in what they will say, I have understood that everyone, even my father’s now ex-wife, from whom I incomprehensibly would have liked to receive some crumb of affection, have done the best they could,” she confesses.

Some harsh words that come in the midst of the well-known romance of the right-hander with the Portuguese presenter Maria Cerqueira after her separation from what was Miss Spain 2002 in the fall of last year. Proof that shows that this relationship is going from strength to strength is that Lucía herself has begun to follow the Portuguese journalist on Instagram, and she has returned the follow to her boy’s daughter. Follow, by the way, that Lucía has taken from Eva. It seems that the relationship between the new illusion of the brother of Fran y Kiko Rivera with the daughter of blanca romero start off on the right foot.

Cerqueira, like Cayetano, is also separated. In her case, she has two children: Francisca Gomes19 years old, and the little one Joao Cardoso, who is only five years old. was the magazine Week the one that published some photos of Paquirri’s son having an appointment with the communicator of the neighboring country in Seville. According to the weekly, they have been seeing each other for several months.