Lucía Rivera speaks about the separation of her father and Eva González

Just like advancement Informalia scoop, Eva Gonzalez You have already contacted a matrimonial lawyer to start the proceedings for your divorce from Cayetano Rivera. The model and the bullfighter have been separated for months and although they assured their relatives that it was something temporary, it seems that there is no turning back.

Also read: Karelys Rodríguez and her poisoned message after the hurricane of Cayetano Rivera and Eva González

A piece of news about which the protagonists have been absolutely silent since the greeting magazine reported last Sunday about their great crisis. Is now Lucia Riverathe daughter that Cayetano adopted during his marriage with white rosemarywhich has been pronounced on the matter.

“If I don’t talk about my private life, I’m not going to talk to you about my father’s private life, especially my father. I think you should respect him and not make a public judgment of the sentimental relationships you have,” the model told the microphones of Europa Press.

“You cannot make a public judgment of these things and I think you should respect it because you know how things hurt. It horrifies me to turn on the TV and see these things that you do sometimes of ‘this’, ‘the other’, ‘the other’ I freak out,” she added, visibly annoyed.

The miss and the right-hander had been dragging a major crisis for three years, when some photographs of Cayetano Rivera with karelys rodriguez during a escapade in London they questioned the bullfighter’s loyalty. At that time, Eva González made pineapple with her husband facing the gallery, but those who know her affirm that she never recovered from that.