Lucas Eguibar gets third place in the Cervinia World Cup


The Spanish rider Lucas Eguibar achieved third place in the Snowboardcross World Cup event held at the Italian resort of Cervinia, with less than 50 days left until the Beijing Winter Olympics begin.

The athlete was first in the rankings this Friday and this third position in Cervinia is his best result in the three tests that have been disputed so far, after the premiere in Beijing and last week’s test in Austria.

“I am very happy and excited, it has been a very long summer because of my back problems, I considered leaving it. The victory has escaped me due to mistakes I have made, we have to keep working. Two months before the Games, doing this rises the morale, we are next to the best, “said Eguibar after reaping that third place in Cervinia.

For his part, Álvaro Romero, just 18 years old, got the 20th place after finishing 3rd in his 1/8 final round in which he had to compete against Lucas Eguibar, since the two Spaniards had been paired.