Loles León turns against Sonsoles Ónega for the dart she throws at her live: “They lie to you!”

Loles Leon He spoke live on Tuesday on the program And now Sonsoles to promote the release of the film There is only one father 4which hits theaters this weekend. Starring Santiago Segura, it is the latest installment of one of the most successful franchises in our cinema. The actress spoke from the first for a few minutes with the presenter, who was on the set.

“My character is a grandmother who likes her grandchildren to be baptized, take their first communion, get married… I am of the opinion that you have to get married young, because that is what I did, and everyone has to do it… I am talking about Milagros,” clarified Loles León.

His personal opinion on these matters is quite different. “I’ve never been married, I don’t like weddings. They’re a bit of a pain”said the veteran artist. “I like baptisms and communions and all that better, but not weddings,” she added.

Sonsoles told her about a comment that Beatriz Cortázar had made on the set. “She says that at weddings you get a lot of dates.” “You know what happens… I’m not very good at dating either, I don’t like it very much,” Loles said, an argument that was refuted on the set, where they thought the opposite about her. “That’s the reputation I have, but my life isn’t really like that. Love comes and goes but I stay calm, I fill my nightstand with silicone and I’m all calm“, he joked.

The interview ended with a request from Sonsoles Ónega. “We love having you, please come to this set. I hear we’re sick of inviting you…”the presenter commented. At that moment, Loles jumped and cut Sonsoles off. “Not so fed up, huh! They’re lying to you… they’re lying to you!”said the actress, who explained that she has not gone because she is constantly filming. “I love that you work so much, but I will open an agenda for you and you choose the day,” she said. “I promise you that I will go,” said Loles. Ónega, for her part, regretted that there are guests who say “yes on screen and then don’t come, like Bisbal, who makes me happy.”
