The dividend that Logista will distribute on February 24 is already confirmed, for an amount of 0.83 euros, which at current prices allows the investor to capture 5%. It is the complementary one charged to the result of 2021 (the interim dividend was delivered in August, for 0.41 euros). The company, which presented its accounts in early November ?? at the close of its fiscal year ?? earned 174 million in fiscal year 2021, 10.7% more than in 2020. Check here the calendar of the next dividends.
Frustrated candidate to enter the Ibex 35 in its last revision (a triumph with which Rovi finally won), Logista has scored close to 5.5% in the stock market so far this year, slightly above the rebound experienced by its The benchmark index, the General Index of the Madrid Stock Exchange (IGBM), which stands at around 5.3%.
The company returned to the park in July 2014, through an IPO (public offering for sale) of its parent company, Imperial Tobacco, which still controls just over 50% of the capital. In this period of more than seven years trading, its stock market highs have recently been reached, at the beginning of November, above 19 euros.
The market expects the Spanish company to distribute, already charged to the 2022 profit, its two traditional dividends
With a capitalization slightly higher than 2,200 million euros, the value is monitored by 10 analysis houses, a consensus that has given it a purchase recommendation for four years. Logista likes it more than any of its peers: That buying advice they give outperforms those received by rivals like Deutsche Post, FedEx, UPS, CH Robinson or Expeditors International.
The market expects that the Spanish company will distribute, already charged to the profit of 2022, its two traditional dividends, for a total of 1.32 euros, as collected Bloomberg. This amount is 6.5% higher than that paid in 2021, and offers the investor who enters the value today a 7.9% return.
With these credentials, the company will replace Ebro Foods from next Monday within the EcoDividendo, the strategy of the Economist which collects the most attractive upcoming payments on the Spanish stock market.
The cut-off dates to watch
Among the rest of the members of the EcoDividendo, Bankinter confirmed this week its next delivery. The entity will distribute 0.0514 euros per share on December 30, which, at current prices, allows it to capture 1.2%. The deadline to buy is Monday, December 27 (on Tuesday 28 it will already be trading without the right to this payment). The entity receives a recommendation to maintain from the market consensus collected by FactSet.
It is also necessary to be attentive to the dates if you want to collect the 0.50 euros that Endesa will pay on January 3, which rents 2.5%: Wednesday, December 29 is the last opportunity to enter the value. In the case of CIE Automotive, the deadline to enter is December 30. Outside of the strategy, the cut-off dates for Income 4 are also very close: December 27 is the last day to put it in the portfolio.