Llorente, the safest bet

Marcos Llorente is valid for a torn and an unstitched. The Madrilenian is already, whatever happens, one of the most decisive footballers in the League and a solution to a large part of the problems that Simeone is facing. His versatility and good attitude They multiply the options of the coach, who in the face of the losses of Suárez and João Félix has not hesitated to use him as a forward. Against Eibar, he responded with two goals and this afternoon he repeats with Correa en punta.

His figures indicate him as a decisive player. In the league he has eleven goals and eight assists (Only Aspas has given more, ten), and in the Champions League he scored one and gave another. Namely, has participated in 21 goals of the team, as many as Luis Suárez (19 plus 2), the great specialist of the staff in these figures. And that, although in the last training sessions he is working like another battering ram, most of the minutes have been on the second line, as an interior, as a winger and even as a lane, making Trippier, or midfielder, what he was signed for and it already sounds like another era.

Ariete with Atlético, winger with Spainto

Because another of the aspects in which Llorente has stood out is the physical deployment, but also him fatigue has attacked him and his performance accused him. The Madrilenian is one of those who does not rotate (3.009 'with Atlético) and now, in addition, add minutes with the shirt of the Selection: in the last break accumulated 205 'as right back, the plan that Luis Enrique had for him. The stoppage was more of a burden.

Athletic Shield / Flag

For all that, when he had to serve a sanction against Betis, and although he was missed on the field, the coaching staff took it as a breather for their off-road footballer. That week, his workouts were geared toward charge the batteries for the final sprint. A mini-season of spring. If there are no setbacks, Llorente must be very important in the seven games ahead.

Another of Llorente's secrets is in nutrition. The player has always followed the Paleolithic diet, but now he has gone further, and undergoes the intermittent fasting, which consists of not eating food for a period of between 12 and 16 hours a day. However, this Tuesday he took another step. The footballer surprised his more than two million Instagram followers with an image in which he appeared with three plates full to overflowing. The funny thing was not the number of dishes, but that he had gone a whole day without eating anything. “And after 24 hours without eating, have breakfast. Llorente takes care of even the smallest detail and it is all will in the field. A safe value at Atleti del Cholo …