Llorente: One year of enrollment and another challenge to achieve, the Eurocup

Marcos Llorente placeholder image not stop. Since a year ago, on March 11, 2020 at Anfield, the Madrid-born gave the pass to Athletic to the quarterfinals of the Champions League with two goals and one assist, the footballer has not stopped growing. 365 days have passed since that magical night in front of the Liverpool, the last of football as we knew it before the pandemic. But the mattress midfielder continues his business.

14 goals and 13 assists is the booty won by Llorente from March 11, 2020 to the same day in 2021. Unimaginable numbers even by himself, but that based on work, perseverance and faith, he has achieved on his own merits since Simeone consider that he had to play closer to the area.

The footballer himself acknowledged, after Wednesday's match against him Athletic in the Metropolitano, in which he was in charge of scoring the first goal for his team, that of the provisional tie, which at the beginning of the course had set itself a challenge in the form of a score: ten goals. And to that amount he arrived with his head butt against those of Marcelino, the first to mark this invoice.

“The figure of ten goals at the beginning of the season has already marked me as a challenge. Personal goal achieved if we count the goals in all competitions. Despite that, I prefer not to set myself more challenges, ”said the rojiblanco footballer. Well said and done.

Now, the next challenge for Marcos Llorente is to re-enter Luis Enrique's plans for the next commitments of the Spanish teama, the first matches of the qualifying phase for the Qatar 2022 World Cup, against Greece, Georgia Y Kosovo. The Asturian will offer the call on Monday. And the Atlético player hopes to be there.

In November, the Madrilenian received his first call with the Absolute for the duels against Netherlands, Switzerland Y Germany. And against the Dutch, he was able to fulfill his dream of playing for the Spanish national team. Now, he wants to repeat the call and settle on Luis Enrique's plans for the European Championship this coming summer.