LIVE | The ECHR tombs the ‘Parot doctrine’: all reactions – 10/21/13 –

The Basque PP will send a representation “at the highest level” to the concentration of the AVT

The Basque PP will send a representation “at the highest level” to the concentration that the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) will hold on Sunday in Madrid after the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that rejects the 'Parot doctrine'.

The spokesman of the PP in the Basque Parliament, Borja Sémper, in statements to the media in the autonomous Parliament, has assured that does not consider that this mobilization, convened with the motto 'Justice for an end with winners and losers', has been organized to “reject” compliance with the ECHR ruling.

“We understand that there is no questioning of the jurisdictional order,” he added. The national PP has already confirmed that it will participate in the mobilization and Sémper has announced that a representation “at the highest level” of the 'popular' Basques will also attend the concentration.

The PSOE sees “worrying” that the PP is manifested against judicial sentences

The PSOE considers “worrying” that the PP is going to demonstrate next Sunday against the ruling issued by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on the 'Parot doctrine' because it is the party that supports the Government and the Executive must ensure that judicial decisions are fulfilled. For the socialists, instead of going out on the street the 'popular' should do “pedagogy” and act with “prudence.”

This has been explained by the spokesman of Economy of the PSOE in Congress, Valeriano Gómez, who He has asked the 'popular' that, instead of going out to protest against the Strasbourg ruling, do “pedagogy” and explain the substance of this judicial decision.

After stressing that the PSOE “will always carry out a policy of respect for the victims of terrorism and their suffering”, the former socialist minister has indicated that These issues should be treated with “political prudence.”