LIVE | ‘Agur’ to Iñaki Azkuna: reactions to the death of the mayor who changed Bilbao – 03/20/14 –

The days of mourning for the death of Azkuna

The days of mourning for the death of the most charismatic and beloved mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna, have ended, and the flags of the institutions located in the Biscayan capital, including the City Hall, have stopped being half-mast on Tuesday.

The last day of mourning was this Monday, in which the funerals were held by Azkuna in the Cathedral of Santiago, after he died on Thursday of last week after suffering for years a long illness.

At this time, it is waiting for the date on which Ibon Areso, until now deputy mayor, will be invested as mayor, replacing Iñaki Azkuna, until the end of the term. All this must be accompanied by a redistribution of the municipal areas.