Triumph: “We have to be very happy because we have generated hope again, but we can make a very big mistake. The first thing is to remain silent, continue working and not look at the classification. I am excited that they have become hooked again, but the message must be the same”
Changed in nine days: “When we were going badly I saw good things. In one day you don’t change a team. We have managed to link the phases of the game to a correct phase. The team is comfortable, balanced and aggressive.

Defensive level: “It’s not just the centre-backs who defend. The rival is now less comfortable. The defense is less exposed. And lateral centers arrive, from afar and you can defend more comfortably.”
Miñambres: “He was a figure that was missing in the club and his presence is important. I have had a great connection. Surely there will be Miñambres effect”.
Defending: “We are finding some bases further back. With this type of system we could leave more circulation but in transition we knew we were going to do a lot of damage
Six points of salvation: “Keep supporting us because we need you. The stadium has been heard again and that helps us. We thank you. Keep going and don’t stop. Whoever stops now is wrong.
Trust: “Today’s game when they start to have the ball overwhelms you, but the team was calm and had it under control. With that confidence and if they have to suffer, they know that up front they can do damage. Confidence in football is vital. And the players They’re giving that level because of that trust.”