Accept the position of a country in the 102nd position of the FIFA rnking, which comes from fitting a 9-1 against the selection of Italy

Caparrs, in an encounter with Sevilla.
9 to 1 put them Italy in their last official match. They are ranked 102 in the FIFA ranking. Four thousand kilometers separate the Ramn Snchez-Pizjun from the Republican Stadium Vazgen Sargsyan, where they usually play their matches. The Armenian national team is already waiting for Joaqun Caparrs as a technician A new episode of this globalized and strange football, with European coaches, in the twilight of their careers, conquering exotic, unknown or uncertain markets.
It is not an impromptu solution. The idea has been taking place since Gins Melndez He accepted the position as technical director of the Armenian Federation of Soccer a little over a year ago. He left his position as international sports technical advisor at the RFEF, after having been director of the National School of Coaches and technical director of the lower categories, and faced a new professional path, also motivated by his loss of prominence in the institution after the arrival of Rubiales, for whom in his farewell, that s, only had good words.
The manchego had the obligation to modernize the obsolete Armenian structures, cement the quarry and develop a more competitive, salable and solid football in the qualification phases of the great summer tournaments. Gins and his team started from scratch, with databases of young players by positions, exercise tables for training and training for basic technicians. An architecture of talent that ends up leading to an absolute selection capable of scratching its presence in some European Championship. Build strong, Europeanized teams, and scare away the fast, individualistic and fragile football of the absolute combined that the country has had.
Joaqun Caparrs is the perfect man to crown the pyramid. His work with the quarry, his usual concern for young promises, his medical work and his good feeling with Melndez will be key in his new job, which unites the passion for the benches with a formative responsibility in the new football gear of the former republic Soviet “Sevilla FC is my home, but the bench is my life,” he said at his farewell to the club of his loves, which he has directed in 241 official matches.
Caparrs currently held the position of Director of Talent Development of the nervous entity. After returning to his club twice as a fire extinguisher, after the dismissal of Montella on 17/18 and of Machn, which he himself chose as master, on 18/19; and to act as a sports director during that same season, without too much conviction or success, the utreran technician returns to what he likes most, to that bug that he mentions in his statement. “Joaqun has proven to be a sevillist and a professional in maysculas. He did not hesitate to return to the club at a very complicated time and in the last two seasons he has put us in Europe. Joaqun is the technician with the most games of Sevilla FC, an authentic legend , and the legends must be respected. We wish you all the luck in the world in this new stage, “he said Jos Castro, president of the entity, after formalizing his departure.
Caparrs debuted in an official match on September 5 against North Macedonia at the Filip II Stadium of its capital, Skopje, in the first match of Group 2 of the UEFA Nations League C League. A league where you can also see them with Georgia and Estonia. By then he must have become familiar with the Armenian league, a competition of ten teams that nourishes the national team almost entirely. Joaqun Caparrs is a temperamental and daring coach. This train arrives when he no longer expected to sit on a bench again and had assumed a quiet quarry job, far from the spotlights and the runrn of the offices. On the field, watching football, taking notes, where he always wanted to be. Armenia will be his first experience in a national team, after more than a dozen guided clubs from the band, and his third adventure abroad, after leading Swiss Xamax and Al Ahli Qatar
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