Lettuce wins the pulse of Liz Truss: the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom leaves after only 45 days in office

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Trusshas announced his resignation, which he has already notified the king charles iii, although he will remain at the head of the Government until a replacement is elected. “It is the best decision to keep the UK in a stable economic condition,” the Conservative leader said Thursday in a statement to Downing Street.

read also: Will Liz Truss last longer in office or lettuce rot?

Truss has lived a “difficult” last day, as Downing Street sources have admitted to the main British media. At least 17 deputies have asked him to resign due to the political chaos of these weeks, marked by the practically total dismantling of the fiscal program announced by the Executive in September, according to the count of Sky News.

Before appearing before the media, the ‘premier’ has met in Downing Street with her number two, Therese Coffeyconsidered her main ally within the Government, and also with the head of the ‘tory’ committee that can promote a motion of censure against her, Graham Brady.

Lettuce lasted longer

The Daily Star launched a streaming on YouTube since last Friday in which a lettuce with a wig, a watch and a photo of the British Premiere appears. The question is clear, who will last longer, Truss in office or the lettuce? Finally, he has won the lettuce.

The idea for the tabloid came about after The Economist publish an article titled The Iceberg Lady, where they said that the prime minister had “the same useful life as a lettuce”. Said and done, in the Daily Star They decided to check it out live.

Truss replaced Mr. Boris Johnson and he has barely lasted 45 days at the head of the country. Far from regaining respect for his charge, he made it worse. The conservative, in addition, has gone down in history for being the last prime minister of Isabel II, who died on September 8 at the age of 96. Truss took office just two days before the death of her longest-serving monarch.

Liz Truss, personally

Liz Truss, 47, born in Oxford, has been compared for years by the UK press to Margaret Thatcherto the point that her supporters came to describe her as “the new Iron Lady”.

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She has been married since 2000 to the accountant Hugh O’Leary. Five years later, she starred in one of those political-sexual scandals so popular in Britain that she became even more famous. She had a year-and-a-half extramarital affair with a House of Commons colleague that came to light during the 2010 re-election campaign. Her marriage survived and it all became a story. “I am happily married,” Truss said in an interview after the scandal.

The politician and the accountant met at a Conservative Party conference in 1997 and went on their first date soon after. “When I want a late-night discussion about supply-side reform or the economy, someone is always on hand,” the former British foreign secretary joked about her husband. They have two daughters: Frances y Liberty, of which their exact ages are not known but it is understood that they are around 16 and 14 years old respectively. The politician lives with his family in Downham Market, Norfolk, but divides her time between home and his work in London.