This Tuesday, February 7, Mrs. Letizia Two different models were worn in the capital of Angola, which the kings visit on official trips. Both the one in the morning, in black and white polka dots, and the official reception in the afternoon, black skirt and white blouse, the two clothes were in mourning color. We don’t think it’s a coincidence.

This February 7, 17 years ago, her little sister, Érika, wanted to leave this life. At 31 years old and leaving her daughter Carla, only 6 years old. We have never seen so much pain and desolation in Letizia, like the one that the then princess showed at her sister’s funeral. That heartbreaking death left everyone shocked and even many of us in the press felt a bad conscience or a certain guilt, for not having intuited Érika’s fragility in the face of sudden fame and excessive media attention.
Also read: Letizia and her 180-degree turn in Angola: from oversize black to the most feminine and romantic pink
Carla Vigo Ortiz is 22 years old today and life does not exactly smile on her. She does not find her place in the world of theater, where she has tried to capture her vocation. She has broken up with her boyfriend, after years of relationship. She lives in a residence, but not with her father, Antonio Vigo, who has created a new family. She is never seen with her cousins Leonor and Sofía, only rarely with her grandparents Paloma Rocasolano and Jesús Ortiz.
But there is no doubt that all of them remember Érika today, with nostalgia and regret. Carla has wanted to demonstrate it in her profile of Instagram with a photo with his father and a moving text:
“16 years have passed since your trip without a return ticket, although it hurts less and less, but every day of my life, what I most wish for is that you could come down from wherever you are to give me one last hug and to see the person I have become Around here things have changed a lot but we still think of you. I’m going through a very hard stage but thanks to this I understand you much better. I don’t want you to worry about me because I’m going to be fine and in this process I’ve met wonderful people so it hasn’t been so bad.” says Carla’s endearing letter to her dead mother.
“I would have liked to enjoy more with you but life is sometimes not as we expect. Well, Bella Flor, now we are saying goodbye, I will always love you and even if I have already mourned, I will never forget you. I love you” . And add a heart in red, as a demonstration of love.

The immense pain and that image of Letizia, six months pregnant with the Infanta Sofía
The sister of Mrs. Letizia She was 31 years old when she left this life alone, in an apartment in Madrid. Chroniclers of the time published that the mother of Carla Vigo She never felt so pretty, or so elegant, or as strong as the other daughters of Jesús Ortiz and Paloma Rocasolano. She failed to adjust to life. She also did not handle the media pressure well when she, perhaps without seeing it coming, became related to the Royal Family and became the object of desire of the paparazzi.
His daughter Carla launches a shout this Tuesday to whoever wants to listen and comes to say that she is going through a similar moment. At 22 years old, she may not find her place, she is the target of the paparazzi and confesses that it is not quite well. There may be people who are looking for notoriety, but it seems that Carla needs affection and sometimes confuses those who pretend to give it to those who want money or publicity.
Érika had the help of her mother and especially from the then Princess of Asturias, who came to her aid and always worried about her. Letizia helped out her sister when Érika lived at Paloma’s (her mother’s) house, with her boyfriend, and with Carla, because they did not have money to pay the rent for an apartment.
When her engagement to Felipe de Borbón was announced, Letizia gave up her maiden apartment, in Vicálvaro, to her sister so that she could live there with her sculptor boyfriend, Antonio Vigo, and little Carla.
Erika Ortiz (Oviedo, 1975) had, they say, a colossal sensitivity. She studied Fine Arts with enthusiasm but the separation of her parents affected her more than her older sisters. She met Antonio Vigo, with more artistic concerns than money, at university but her relationship, although stable, was almost epistolary for a long time, at least since she was awarded an Erasmus scholarship in Germany.
On her return to Spain she became pregnant with Carla, who was born prematurely after a complicated pregnancy. Neither Erika nor Antonio had a job. Erika, together with the father of her daughter, failed in his attempt to set up a rural hotel in his Asturian land and was a book vendor, and Antonio Vigo, who could not make a living from his sculptures, worked as a street sweeper in Madrid. Letizia was already a famous journalist whose face was seen daily on television.
With Letizia already being Felipe’s official girlfriend, Antonio Vigo went to Uruguay. Erika stayed and someone pulled strings to hire her at Globomedia, the production company that Dani Écija and Emilio Aragón, among others, governed at the time. She broke up with the father of her daughter and was left alone with the girl in Vicálvaro’s house. A young man was courting her weeks before her tragic end.
It is overwhelming just to remember in that face of Doña Letizia the immense pain that she could not help but infect us after hearing the news of her sister’s death. She was six months pregnant with what would be Infanta Sofía, her second daughter.