Letizia and her work uniform in Colombia: ponytail, rolled up shirt and boots

Start the work schedule of Queen Letizia on her trip to Colombia. The wife of Felipe VI landed at dawn on Tuesday, June 13, at the Rafael Núñez International Airport, in Cartagena de Indias, where she was received by the Colombian first lady, Verónica Alcocer. Effusive kisses and hugs between the two ladies, who exchanged greetings at the foot of the track.

The first stop on the Queen’s route map in Colombia was at 8:30 this morning (local time, 15:30 Spanish time). Letizia has arrived at the Training Center of the Spanish Cooperation Agency in Cartagena de Indias to hold a meeting with the cooperators and learn about their projects first hand.

For Letizia it is the eighth solo humanitarian trip and the fifth that she has made to Latin America. An intense two-day schedule for Letizia, which will also take her to Cali. In this second photograph in Colombia, the Queen is wearing her work uniform: ponytail, red vest for aid workers, basic khaki jeans, rolled-up white shirt, and boots. It will be the image that the Queen projects on this trip on her international agenda.
