L’Équipe reveals the price it would cost to buy PSG

In an interview given this week to The Athletic, Nasser Al Khelaïfi ensured that QSI’s arrival at PSG he had multiplied the value of the club by many millions of euros. And is not for less. The Qatari investment fund only had to invest €80 million for the acquisition of the entity, generating in ten years an unimaginable capital gain with the arrival of the best players in the world, including Messi, which marked the culmination of the project with its incorporation in August 2021.

The newspaper L’Équipe decided to calculate the current price of PSG. In 2018, the prestigious French newspaper already did an analysis of how to calculate the net worth of the club and the result was 990 million. At that time, the staff already had Neymar and Mbappe and its cost had multiplied by 12 since Qatar acquired the majority of shares in the French institution.

To calculate the value of the clubs, L’Équipe multiplies by two the team’s budget by the value of the squad with a multiple that can be 1.5 or 2. Currently, PSG had an income of €556 million in the 2020/2021 season and the squad has an estimated value of €939 million, so its cost would be around €1,120 million. For example, Chelsea, which would be the club that would go ahead of the Parisians, placed in 8th position in a classification on which they have been based by the method implemented by the French newspaper to make the estimates, has revenues of 495 million and a workforce value of 780 million, amounting to a price of 1,275 million.

PSG does not, for the moment, plan to change ownership. Al Khelaïfi’s goal is still to be president of the entity for many years and will not stop until he wins the long-awaited Champions League that the club longs for so much since QSI acquired the capital team in 2011. As he revealed in The Athletic, Qatar has turned down multiple offers from new investors who tried to buy the whole of PSG.