Lequio in front of Obregón and the doubts before a story based only on his testimony: “Aless’s desire”

three years since Tragedy hit Alessandro Lequio in the worst possible way: your son lost the last battle against cancer and at an age where he should be forbidden to die the young man left us. From support to Aless during the long and terrible treatment to fight the disease, together with Ana Obregonthe Italian went to the indescribable tear of absence.

Alessandro Lequio He has experienced the duel in a very different way from that of the mother of the deceased, as he recalled this Monday visibly moved. In privacy. In the silence. Because it stirs her soul to hear the name of her son shaken up in discussions of Save me and the rest of the programs. Lequio has cried locked up, without displaying her tears on her Instagram, without the media spectacle orchestrated by the actress, “dead in life”, as she narrates in magazines, in The country, on television or on his accounts on social networks, until three weeks ago he came into the world a baby full of love, tenderness and beauty. Happy and oblivious to the ocean of polemics and controversies that her mother has caused by exhibiting her, recounting the details of her origins and her future.

Read alsoAna Obregón explodes on the first anniversary of Aless’s death: “I just want to be at peace with my son”

Aless Lequio passed away on May 13, 2020 and her mother, every 13th of the month, uploaded the reminder. There were covers of Hola counting his sentence and other public interventions; until the media outburst of the episode of the birth of the little newcomer by surrogate pregnancy and the circus set up by the protagonist of Ana and the seven.

Since then, the difference in understanding the grief of Aless’s parents has become much more apparent. Faced with the silence and mourning in the privacy of Lequio, we have found the paraphernalia organized by Obregón: covers, photos, statements and ethical, legal, moral debates, with implications from experts, celebrities, politicians, relatives and all experts.

Lequio’s story has lights and shadows but it is certainly not common, gray or boring. It never was, but perhaps now, a few months before turning 63, 35 months after losing one of his three children, the aristocrat was approaching a serene existence, centered on his wife and his little Ginevra-Ena, six years old

His work on television, his golf, a small group of friends, a refuge in Galicia and getaways when his activity and that of María Palacios allow it, were largely his routine, with a reasonably comfortable financial situation.

Maturity has led him to leave behind that hectic life, full of lights and shadows, that we know, and that makes for a television series from his family origins to his days of wine and roses. But now, when he doesn’t want to, again paparazzi They look for him, the microphones demand statements, versions and explanations. All this explained this Monday in The Ana Rosa Program, where he occupies a chair.

He did it as best he could, trying to avoid conflict with Ana Obregón, expressing his respect for the one who has decided to experience the tragedy and mourn the loss of such a young son in a way that is radically different from his own. But Ana Obregón’s freedom to display her pain and joy ends with Lequio’s, who, for reasons beyond his control, has been submerged by the gigantic wave of the tsunami caused by the actress and presenter in the center of a long-term earthquake whose epicenter is not going to stay in Miami.

The last 48 hours of Aless’s life, narrated by Ana Obregón

Read also: Ana Obregón and Alessandro Lequio, united to open Aless’s will and fulfill his last wishes

Faced with the deafening silences of Lequio are the testimonies of Ana Obregón. Because of almost everything that the biologist recounts we only have proof through her testimony. There is no proof that the girl is, as she says, the daughter of Aless Lequio. We can believe it, but, to date, assuming that Ana Lequio Obregón was indeed conceived from the sperm of her son who died three years ago, is an act of faith. No document has been shown to certify this. It is not that we affirm the contrary, but, we insist: there is no proof so far that Ana Obregón and Alessandro Lequio were post-mortem grandparents.

Read alsoAna Obregón confesses in a heartbreaking interview: “I died the day my son left, but I know I’m going to be reborn”

The same occurs with the supposed wish of the deceased, expressed to his mother and father in his last days, to have children once he was not on Earth. Ana Obregón recalled two years ago now in an interview for Vanity Fair how her son’s last two days were before he died and did not mention that desire: “I had 48 hours to get used to the idea. I had gone to the apartment to shower and I I wanted to spend an hour, but they had just done a CT scan and Alessandro called me: ‘Ana, come in. There’s no more time’. We spent 48 hours holding both of his hands… And that’s how he left. I stayed hugging him for several hours Then they took him away.”

¿Olograph testament?

It was a week ago when Ana Obregón declared in Hola that there is a holographic will, describing this type of document in a way that countless experts have later corrected, explaining that it is not granted as she explains in the magazine. In any case, no document has been publicly shown to corroborate the actress’s words. And among the countless silences of Alessandro Lequio we also have the one that refers to this matter. Let’s not forget that in the publication to which Obregón granted the great exclusive, it is she who cites the Italian as a witness to this will. Once again we are before a naked testimony, from a single person, as the only proof. Not even he has corroborated this, although he has not denied it either.

We can from the media believe it. But what is cool is whether, when the time comes, the law could require something more than the word of Ana Obregón, a person who, since he is public and notorious, has not always told the truth. It has been published that the Minister of Justice Pilar Llop has given instructions to the Civil Registry on the registration of Obregón’s daughter.

Maybe Ana is telling the truth. But we know that, three weeks before the baby came into the world, the actress declared in The country that she was dead in life, knowing that her new joy and reason for existing was about to arrive. We also know that Ana herself declared that she did not find out the sex of the baby until many months after the donor’s egg was fertilized, supposedly and as Ana Obregón maintains, with Aless Lequio’s sperm. Extreme that everyone knows cannot be true in cases of surrogacy. She also said that the girl’s name is Ana Sandra Lequio and in the adoption document, of which he did not say anything in his interview Hola, enrolled her with Ana Lequio, by name, and Obregón by surname, as we anticipated.

Perhaps it is not relevant that public opinion or the media believe everything that Ana Obregón says at face value. Our mission is to take note of her statements and we have done so. Another thing is that we are in a position to affirm categorically that everything she maintains is true. Because there is neither proof nor second source. At least for now. But it will be relevant, in the event that Justice (not only in the Civil Registry, but in inheritance cases, for example) requires something more than a testimony, that there is a document that demonstrates the will of Aless Lequio expressed up to now by his mother and only for his mother. We wonder if the doubts about a story that is based exclusively on a testimony can be extended to other relatives of Aless Lequio.