Leonor’s audience success on Instagram and her unstoppable schedule: from Girona to Lisbon

Leonor has all the keys to connecting with young people. This connection is reinforced every year in her speech at the Princess of Girona Awards, where she spoke of “a new push” for “us to think long -she said- and look high, without losing sight of reality.” The 18-year-old Princess of Asturias and Girona maintains an unstoppable agenda, not only for the content, but also for the kilometers traveled.

In one week we have seen her in Lleida with her father, in Barcelona and in Girona, where on Wednesday 10th she presented the awards that bear her name. From the town of Lloret de Mar, the gala was followed by viewers of La 2 and on the Casa Real’s YouTube channel. Zarzuela’s recently launched Instagram account has 221,000 followers. The princess’s 6-minute speech was watched by 2,238 people. Two days later, this Friday 12th July, the heiress is heading to Portugal. It is his solo debut on an international tour. This is the intense program of the day.

An official farewell and honours will take place at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport, in the State Pavilion. She will board at 10:30 this morning. She will be accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares. Her arrival in Lisbon, at the Figo Maduro military airport, will take place at 12:20, where she will be received with the cordon of honour. At the Belém Palace she will meet with President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. She will also visit the Jerónimos Monastery and attend the Offering at the tomb of Luis de Camões, a 16th century poet and writer considered one of the greatest lyricists in the Portuguese language, author of The Lusiads y Sonnets.

Leonor’s first speech abroad

The palace will be the scene of one of the most important events of the day. After the reception, the President of the Republic will offer a lunch and Leonor will give a speech. It will be the first time that the heiress will speak at an official event outside Spain. Afterwards, the daughter of Felipe VI and Letizia is expected to visit the Oceanário in the Portuguese capital. There she will meet with young scientists on ocean research and the defence of the marine environment. This visit is therefore part of the environmental field, in the protection of the sea from pollution and climate change that raises the water temperature. As reported by the Royal House, “the choice of Portugal as the destination for the first official trip of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias abroad reflects and reinforces the bonds of fraternity and closeness that unite both countries.”
