The parish of Cadavedo has endured the water until the last minute. Luckily it has cleared up and we have been able to see the yew plantation. There were two shovels prepared for the daughters of the Kings. when absent Sofia, a boy from the rural school has helped the princess to throw the earth on the roots of the tree. While, Joysquatting, was talking to some children between 4 and 5 years old.

It was the echo photography of the day, which took place in front of the church. Right there, in the left area of the parish atrium, Leonor has discovered the commemorative monolith of the visit.

Cadavéu has won the “2022 Exemplary People of Asturias Award” for “having known how to maintain productive diversity in rural areas, with which they have managed to both establish population and ensure generational change, and for being a living and organized community “.