Curious communication window that has been implemented byto Casa Real on its official website to send messages to Princess Leonor. In the world of immediacy that we live in, it seems ineffective to leave a few lines written with the intention of obtaining a response. A slow motion in this frenetic rhythm that we carry and that admits as feedback the immediate response. Participating in the virtual guestbook is like seeing speed again. pre-smartphone, pre-apps and instant pre-messaging. Messages will be responded to in a “personalized manner.” Point in your favor. Of course, and for security reasons, all fields must be filled in with the required personal data.
This is where we are when we see the official announcement of the solemn opening of the Cortes Generales of the XV Legislature. It will be this Wednesday, November 29. The Kings will preside over this joint session of deputies and senators in the Lower House with the presence of the highest authorities of the State. Along with Don Felipe and Doña Letizia will be Princess Leonor.
It will be her return to the public scene after a month of October in which the heiress has monopolized all the information tension in a kind of sprint final act that was crowned with the swearing in of the Constitution in Congress. We will see, then, the eldest daughter of the Kings in her first official act after her 18th birthday.

To attend this session, the heiress requires permission to be absent from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza and travel to Madrid. This time, we will not see Sofia, who is in Wales. The infanta plans to return to Spain in full macropuente of December, the 8th, the date on which their Christmas holidays begin. In all likelihood, the two sisters will meet in Zarzuela that weekend as an appetizer for next Christmas. For a few days, the Kings will say goodbye to the empty nest.