The Princess Eleanor He is already back at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza after his Christmas vacation in Zarzuela and his debut at Military Easter. In her return to routine, the heir to the throne has received praise from her fellow cadets, who have recognized the princess's great work in her first official act of 2024.
As published this Thursday Confidential Monarchy, a training teacher from the Academy congratulated the eldest daughter of Felipe VI and Doña Letizia for her debut at Military Easter last Saturday. “Congratulations Borbón, you have proven to be a good cadet,” she said. To which Leonor replied: “It's my job.”
Her colleagues also followed the event closely and asked her if she was nervous. “Were you nervous? She seemed very attentive and firm at all times,” one of her classmates commented to the heir to the throne.

During her stay at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, Leonor attends classes normally. Although when she entered the center it was rumored that she only attended classes as a listener, a non-commissioned officer from the military center clarified to the aforementioned newspaper that the princess was just another student and that she took the exams like the rest of her classmates.
Next year, Leonor de Borbón will continue her military stage at the Marín Naval School (Pontevedra), where she will board the training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano, just as her father did, Philip VI and his grandfather, Don Juan Carlos. Soon, he will complete his studies at the General Academy of Air and Space, in San Javier (Murcia).