Leonor, from the 'disco' to the military: new week of training with marching, combat track and shooting practice

The military training of the heir of Felipe VI continues. The Princess Eleanor He has adapted very well to the Military Academy of Zaragoza and also to all his companions, with whom he already shares nights of partying in the city of Ebro. In the next few days, specifically from February 3 to 9, the cadets will change the disco through the countryside and will face a new week of military training, the most complicated and hardest so far.

If last December Leonor and her companions moved to the Pyrenees to practice in snow and mountains, this time their destination will be on land. According to Confidential Monarchy, La General students will carry out new instruction and training exercises, such as marches and topographical tours. In addition, the Princess of Asturias and her companions will also carry out shooting exercises with an assault rifle and pistol in a simulator, live fire exercises with various individual and collective weapons, as well as passing through the combat track and individual training of the combatant. They will also form small scout units and exercise command in them with their own companions.

This is one more step in the military training of the heiress, whose study plan is adapted so that she can complete her time in the three armies (Land, Sea and Air) in three years, before entering university. The daughter of Philip VI y Joy He entered the Zaragoza Military Academy last August and after the first weeks of basic training, he swore the flag and received the official saber that symbolizes his future command.

A proud and dedicated heiress

Since then, we have seen her (thanks to the images distributed by Casa Real) in class and on maneuvers with her classmates, dressed in uniform, with a helmet, backpack and the regulation rifle, the HK G36. She also in the snow, specifically in the camp that the Military Mountain and Special Operations School has in the upper part of Candanchú, Jaca.

In October, we also saw her for the first time dressed as a military officer with her father at the Hispanic Day Armed Forces parade. In January she repeated her image, even more regal with her gala uniform, for Military Easter at the Royal Palace. Her father proudly bragged about her in her huddles and her superiors too: “She's a brilliant student.”