Confirmed. Leonor will participate for the first time in the Military Easter event. One more step on your path. This is a solemn ceremony, presided over by the King, which will take place on January 5 at the Royal Palace. Military in nature, this celebration marks the beginning of the military year and takes stock of the previous year. We will see the heiress in uniform again with Queen Letizia. The princess concludes her rest on January 7.
Military Easter inaugurates the official agenda of the Kings. This is how it is every year on January 6th. This 2024 Felipe VI and Letizia will preside over the event accompanied by their eldest daughter. Sofia, by then, will already be back in Wales.
For the debutante Leonor, this ceremony marks her return to the cameras dressed in uniform. Before her vacation she passed her exams at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza and on December 17 she moved to Huesca with her fellow cadets to practice some instruction and training exercises in the snow. The heiress and the rest of the students stayed at the Candanchú Mountain School, of the Army, located in the Canfranc valley, in the Aragonese Pyrenees, within the municipality of Jaca.
Therefore, this Military Easter ceremony represents another step in their military training. Just like his attendance at the parade on National Holiday Day. The question we ask ourselves is whether Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have planned a surprise for their eldest daughter like at the reception on October 12. That day, in front of a debutante and surprised Leonor, some colleagues from La General attended the event at the Royal Palace, who became the unexpected protagonists of the day. It would be a good gift from Three Kings.