Leonor and Sofía, indisposed with gastroenteritis: we know what they had for dinner

Leonor was forced to abandon the visit she was making with her parents in Cadavedo, on the occasion of the presentation of the Exemplary People Awardthis Sunday morning. The princess of Asturias felt indisposed and went to the hotel where her sister was Sofiawho had already been discharged due to not feeling well.

Also read: Letizia and Leonor, their looks in Cadavedo: cowboy boots and cargo pants

Shortly after, her mother was in charge of communicating how her daughters were feeling completely naturally: “Sofía had a bad night and Leonor was also regular when she got up, she made an effort but it couldn’t be. Something made them feel bad (… ) We have all had gastroenteritis at some time, nothing happens.”

On Friday night, the daughters of the kings dined on mini canapés that could be to blame for their indigestion. According to FiestaLeonor and Sofia tasted olive escerification, anchovies on blue cheese, strawberry gazpacho, prawns with curry sauce, matachana wrap, cheesecake and spider crab croquettes.

As revealed The New Spain, the royal family had to make an emergency stop at a restaurant in the area due to the indisposition of the heiress. However, Leonor posed with the owners of the premises, demonstrating her professionalism. Later, the sisters were transferred by plane to Madrid, according to the aforementioned media.

In this unexpected way Felipe VI y Letizia have ended their stay in Asturias as part of the delivery of the awards that bear the name of the princess who, health permitting, will celebrate her 17th birthday next Monday.