Leonor and Sofia avoid the agenda and surprise by appearing at the Kings’ audience with students from their Welsh boarding school

It wasn’t on his agenda, but it was in his plans.Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia attended their parents’ meeting with the Board of Trustees of the Spanish Committee of United World Schools Foundation on Wednesday. The decision was a surprise, as the sisters were not expected to be present.

Both Leonor and Sofia have been very close to the members of the educational institution where the Infanta is currently studying for her international baccalaureate. Before entering the Zaragoza General Army Academy, the heir to the throne also attended its classrooms in central Wales (United Kingdom). Their presence at this event shows the gratitude they feel towards the institution and the desire they had to meet with the students and former classmates, as they did last year.

The Royal Family has spoken in a calm and relaxed atmosphere with the members of the board of trustees, sponsors and students who have obtained the place in 2024 and other former students who have been at this meeting after their two years of experience, with whom they have posed afterwards.

This meeting has also served as an opportunity for Infanta Sofía to share her experiences with those who will be her new classmates after the summer months. The second in line to the throne left the nest at the end of August 2023 to enter this school. After the holidays will be returning to UWC Atlantic College in Wales in the second year of the international baccalaureate.
