Lenglet, positive for coronavirus

Clement Lenglet, central of FC Barcelona, has tested positive for Covid-19, as published by the newspaper NOW. The Frenchman, who was summoned tomorrow afternoon to exercise with the rest of his teammates after enjoying six days of vacation for Christmas, will be low for the match against him Mallorca, scheduled for next Saturday the 2nd at 9:00 p.m.

Waiting to know the result of the rest of the players of the first team and the technical staff, that of Lenglet is the first case of coronavirus in the Barça This season, which precisely coincides with the expansion of the omicron variant, which has put all of Europe on alert, without football escaping from it despite the exhaustive controls that the clubs follow.

If before Christmas the team most affected by the coronavirus was the Real Madrid, which had an outbreak with eight cases, now the Spanish, with five positives among his squad and two in the coaching staff.

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