Leganés will not react to Espanyol's statement

Spanish soccer has become accustomed to chained communications, a process by which, in an official communication from a soccer club, the telluric reaction of another close team in a sporting, institutional or economic situation follows to give their version of the events exposed. for the first club or, failing that, to try to obtain a revenue similar to that sought by that one. It will not be the case of Leganes and the Spanish.

The cucumbers do not intend to issue any text or pronounce themselves publicly in response to the text that the parakeets have released this afternoon and in which they claim that there are no declines nor in Secondneither in First division. In other words, this season elite national soccer only has prizes, but no punishment.

Leganés' potential arguments

The parakeets allege, in addition to the gibberish in which the end of the course has become Second, that the season has turned into an irregular course altered, for example, by the absence of public in the stands or the presence of some infected in First squads, as was his case or that of Valencia.

Would also have the Leganes arguments to speak of anomalous season: since the departure of Braithwaite without the club's consent outside the market and without the option of replacement, up to serious arbitration errors (see the penalty of Jovic or the non-penalty of Siovas to Roger). Despite this, the Leganes be quiet.

It should be remembered that the cucumber team finished third in the queue and that, in the hypothetical case of a promotion no play-off, it could be the set of First more benefited by the suppression of this way to go up. A possibility that is not ruled out administratively speaking, but that in Butarque They do not believe that, for now, it will occur. We repeat: for now.

Leganés Shield / Flag

Leganés watches in the distance

Because, as Diario As has been counting, the Leganes yes he remains very attentive in the distance to the resolution of the case Fuenlabrada insofar as it may affect the play-off dispute for promotion to First division. If this promotion is contested in the terms in which it is reflected in the regulations, whatever the rivals are and on the dates that are, the Leganes he does not intend to exercise any action and will assume the sporting nature of his current present. That is: downgrading.

However, if the play-off were not contested and there was an alteration in the usual formula (if one more direct promotion position was assigned or no promotion was played) there, the Leganes he has already raised the possibility of claiming his continuity in the elite as he is the second to last in the classification.

In any case, in Butarque They insist that they do not plan to take steps forward in this regard except for serious anomalies and their only strategy is not to speak while working on the preparation of the new season with an eye, just in case, on what happens in the rest of the hectic Spanish football.