He Leganes wait to Michael Santos, recent transfer from the Copenhagen, obtain Spanish nationality shortly, a very important step in your career (it would cease to be extra-community, a drag on the market) and also relevant for the Leganes, which currently has three foreigners fully confident in the plans of Marti, namely: own Saints, Gaku and Facu García.
The latter is, right now, the main victim of this overbooking of seats, since, until Saints do not obtain the Spanish passport, you will not be able to play with the pepineros, although the regulations do allow you to be registered. This last nuance is an advantage for the footballer and the Leganes, since you will not have to be forced to leave the team if before October 5 (market close date) Saints did not achieve nationality.
That is Facu You will be able to join the squad, train and even be registered, but you will not be able to play until Saints have nationality and release one of the two places that allows The league. From that moment, even in October or November, the Argentine will count as one more in the plans of Marti.
The Mallorcan coach has the young midfielder and, for now, his departure is not scheduled. The last Sunday Facu He showed on his social networks how he was leaving for Argentina, but it had nothing to do with this process, but with bureaucratic issues that allow him to renew his residence permit in Spain.
Meanwhile, the case Saints it could be solved in a matter of weeks. In fact, in the Leganes they trust that the Uruguayan can achieve the documentation even before the market closes, hence also that they will not step forward with Facu.
Different situation is that of Josua Mejias. The Venezuelan central is also in the process of obtaining Spanish nationality, but his situation points more to the medium than the short term. It is one of the fundamental reasons why there are high chances of me leaving the Leganes also before the market close.