Leganés has made the return of Sabin Merino official tonight to cucumber discipline. The forward of Urduliz (28 years old) left in January assigned to Deportivo de La Coruña with a compulsory purchase option in case of Galician permanence. The descent to Second B would mean his return to ButarqueAs it has happened and despite the legal doubts that his case offered.

As AS announced yesterday, his return was pending a legal interpretation. There were voices that considered the clause that allowed the return of Sabin with the descent of Depor had expired on June 30, the date on which the forward's contract supposedly ended. However, in Leganés they believed that the contract was modified with the extension of the season until its end. That is, it should return if the Depor descended. And it is what has happened.
It is true that the descent of Depor still depends on the Fuenlabrada case, but legally and de facto, the Galicians are team of the bronze category, with what Merino had to return to Butarque. His contract will run for one season until the end of the 20/21 academic year.
Leganés has announced that Merino He will immediately join training and will wear the 9 that he already wore last season until January, when he left for Depor with hardly any Pellegrino, Cembranos and Aguirre. In the Depor, However, exploded with five goals (four of them in a row in January) in 18 games.
The CD. Leganés will once again have Sabin Merino in the 2020/21 season Welcome back Sabin! ????????????
– C.D. Leganés (@CDLeganes) August 17, 2020
Your presence on the staff of Jose Luis Marti will serve as a notable reinforcement for the Blue and White striker, who until today only has the youth squad in training Manu Garrido. Juan Muñoz, the other forward of the group, ended the season yesterday in the Almeria and he will have to return, but in about three weeks, once his vacation is over.