Laura Matamoros, happy, boasts of the good result of her chest operation: “I’m doing much better”

A week ago, the daughter of Kiko Matamoros worried his Instagram followers when posting a picture from a hospital bed. Hours later, Laura He reappeared to explain that nothing serious was wrong with him, only that he had “changed his prostheses.” Now, the influencer has decided to share how her recovery process is going.

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“I am very happy with the result. Everything is going great and we are doing very well in terms of how it is healing, how I am responding and how it is staying,” explained the sister of Diego Matamoras.

In order for the recovery to be faster, the girlfriend of Benji Apariciowith whom recently a new opportunity has been givenis undergoing a treatment called indiba, which consists of a unique radiofrequency technology.

That yes, “we have not yet removed the points because we are going little by little. But in terms of mobility I am much better. The projection of the prosthesis is being noticed, as is the size,” he explained with a smile on his face for the result.

Laura decided to undergo this intervention because “with the pregnancies the skin gave way a lot, the sudden changes in weight and not wearing the old prosthesis under the muscle made her chest drop more than normal and she was not comfortable. At the time of dressing has always conditioned me and in terms of back pain, I couldn’t take it anymore”.
