Maximum concern for the state of health of Camilinas the son of the interpreter of To live like this is to die of love. The last scare was last September, when a SUMMA team transferred him by helicopter to the Puerta de Hierro hospital from his home due to multi-organ failure. Since then, silence has been absolute by order of his mother, Lourdes Ornelaswho has taken drastic measures to protect his son.
Also read: Camilo Blanes reappears after his worrying images in the hospital
According to the program Fiesta, the Mexican has not found another way to separate her son from the bad companies that drag him down time and time again, so she keeps Camilín “locked up at home, completely incommunicado and monitored 24 hours a day.” Lourdes has installed a very sophisticated surveillance system in the Torrelodones chalet with which she controls every movement of her son, because she is not willing that a mistake could put her life at stake again.
Only his mother and his girlfriend, María, can contact him and although the secrecy about his condition is maximum, The Spanish He affirmed this Monday that his recovery is being very hard: “There are days when he does his part and other days when the situation becomes ungovernable,” they say.

At 38 years old, the son of Camillus Sextus He is going through a very difficult situation. Substance abuse has generated a significant deterioration in his health and in his physique: the latest images of him reflected a thin, deteriorated, pale and taciturn man. Well-known are the videos that he posted on social networks in which he appeared drunk and lost in the middle of the night.