Lara Dibildos says her last goodbye to her mother at a funeral full of familiar faces: “La Valenzuela will help me move on”

On March 17, the world of television and entertainment lost to the great Laura Valenzuela, the first female television presenter who paved the way for all those who have come after her. her daughter, Lara DibildosAn example of education and knowing how to be, he did not separate from her for a single minute in his final stage and said goodbye to his mother receiving great affection from his loved ones.

This Thursday the funeral mass in memory of Valenzuela took place in the church of the Sacred Hearts of the capital. Up to there, a multitude of familiar faces have moved who have wanted to cover Lara Dibildos, devastated by the great loss: “It’s hard. You go up, then you fall, you collapse… But you have to push forward, I have two children and still many things to do. My mother will help me, Valenzuela will help me for sure”he said through tears.

Lara has arrived accompanied by her best son, Alvaro, who is studying in the United States and was unable to attend her grandmother’s funeral. The oldest, FranHe has not been able to be on this occasion either due to his university commitments. “Today is a very difficult day, but hey, it had to come. I take it for days, at times,” she explained. Next to her also the father of her son, Alvaro Muñoz Escassiwith your daughter Anna Barrachinawho also adored Laura Valenzuela.

Have himvery close to the family, wanted to wrap up Lara as she already did at the funeral home: “Lara is authentic. We can go months without seeing each other, but we see each other and it seems that we have seen each other yesterday, we have always had a relationship of great love and great confidence,” he said.

Mar Regueras, Raquel Rodríguez, Sofía Mazagatos, Álvaro Castillejo, Teresa Bueyes or Pepe Navarro have also been among those present at the last goodbye to Laura Valenzuela.