Lara Dibildos distances herself from Escassi’s lovers’ chat and leaves a ‘ghost’ in the air

It took the actress twenty-four hours to deny the information from María Patiño, who said on Thursday that Lara Dibildos She was the administrator of a chat that brought together more than 200 ex-lovers and ex-girlfriends of Alvaro Muñoz Escassi to exchange warnings, impressions, etc. “Excuse me? You made me laugh.”said Laura Valenzuela’s daughter when asked about ‘For-Es’s eggs’.

“Do I have a chat with Álvaro’s exes? And am I the administrator of the exes? I can tell you that it’s all a lie. People are too crazy to say such nonsense.”. This is how blunt Lara has been regarding the information in This is lifeShe does not deny the existence of the chat but she does deny that she is the administrator or even participates. And it is worth remembering that the actress and the rider, who were in a relationship between 2005 and 2007 and have a child together, are great friends. She has, in fact, stood up for him on many occasions although these days she has preferred to stay out of the scandal and follow the line of discretion that characterizes her: “It is a shame but these things happen, if María José and Álvaro have decided to break up it is because it was the best for both of them,” she assured.

Lara Dibildos’ denial leaves a question in the air: who has implicated her in this way in the soap opera of the summer to complicate things even more? It is not, moreover, the first time that contradictory and strange information has appeared: Álvaro Muñoz Escassi stated last Friday that he has not paid the 1700 euros that Valery claimed from him and that he had not signed a contract to settle the debt. She says yes but that she did not meet with him but with a third person who acted on his behalf. Many journalists have seen the document and Escassi’s signature, but the graphologists have been blunt: it is false. Who leaks false information? Who is posing as the rider? To be continued…
